Objectives: To evaluate the relationship between the neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and progression-free survival (PFS) at the start of enzalutamide or abiraterone acetate treatment in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) at post-docetaxel setting. Methods: Patients whom progressed after at least 6 cycles of docetaxel chemotherapy, included. Cases with <4 bone metastases, isolated lymph node metastases, or visceral metastases and uncontrolled comorbidity were excluded. Mean NLR was used for cut-off threshold. Results: 54 cases with a median age of 69 (54-75) years, with NLR below 3.34 were determined as the low NLR group, and above determined as the high NLR group. The mean PFS of the high NLR group (n=31,57.4%) was 5.3 months and low NLR group (n=23,42.6%) was 7.2 months (p<0.001). A strong negative correlation was found between NLR level and PFS (r:0.833, p<0.001). Patients with NLR regression (n=36,66.7%, regression at 6’th week of the therapy) represents 7.0 months PFS that is higher than others (5.2 months,p<0.001). Extremity bone metastases was related with low PFS (5.1 month vs 7.1, p<0.001) and high NLR (4.55 vs 2.74, p<0.001). Conclusion: NLR level above 3.34 and failure to achieve NLR regression in the first six weeks of treatment are poor prognostic factors. Keywords: Abiraterone asetate, enzalutamide, prostate cancer, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio
Corresponding Author: Ozgen Yildirim