Objectives: The use of prognostic factors that can correctly predict the clinical outcomes of patients with mRCC has particular importance for individualized risk assessment. In this study, we aimed to address the prognostic factors in mRCC patients. Methods: Eighty-six patients who were diagnosed with de-novo metastatic renal cell cancer or developed metastasis during follow-up between January 2007-January 2020 were included and their files were retrospectively evaluated. From patient files; demographic characteristics [age, gender, EGOC PS (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status), tumor localization, tumor size, metastasis status, metastatic sites], histopathological characteristics and laboratory tests (hemoglobin, serum albumin, lactate dehydrogenase), treatments they received were recorded. Results: Factors determined to be significant in univariate analysis were assessed using multivariate analysis and the results identified a tumor size larger than 6 cm (p= 0.032), ECOG PS ?2 (p< 0.001), a hemoglobin level below 13 gr/dl (p= 0.016) and a serum albumin level below 3.6 gr/dl (p= 0.006) as independent unfavorable prognostic factors associated with overall survival. Conclusion: Our study determined tumor size>6cm, hemoglobin ?13gr/dL, serum albumin ?3,6 gr/dL and ECOG PS ?2 as factors influencing the prognosis unfavorably in mRCC patients. Keywords: Metastatic renal cell cancer, prognostic factors, hypoalbuminemia
Corresponding Author: Ziya Kalkan