Objectives: The aim of the study was to investigate associations between school burnout and its concomitants among students in three types of schools in Pakistan. Methods: Five hundred and fifty girls and 550 boys from Urdu medium, Elite English medium, and the Madrassa, in Pakistan completed a questionnaire. The age range was between 11 and 15 years of age. The questionnaire included scales measuring school burnout, anxiety, hostility, depression, and self-esteem. Results: Students with high levels of school burnout scored higher than others on anxiety, hostility, depression, and lower on self-esteem. Boys had experienced higher levels of school burnout, anxiety, hostility, and depression, and lower levels on self-esteem than girls. Boys from Urdu medium schools reported the highest scores on school burnout, while girls from the same school type reported the lowest ones. Students from English medium schools had the highest scores on self-esteem, and the lowest scores on anxiety, hostility and depression. Students from the Madrassa showed the highest levels of anxiety, hostility, and depression and the lowest levels of self-esteem. Conclusion: School burnout was associated with negative psychological concomitants. Differences were found between the three school systems. Keywords: Pakistan; school burn out, school systems
Corresponding Author: Karin Osterman