Objectives: Altmetric analyses highlight key publications in terms of social media. Throughout recent years, social media platforms have been playing important roles in the promotion, spread and display of medical literature. The aim of the present study was to determine the most influential literature on end-tidal carbon dioxide or ETCO2 and capnography in the last decade and to evaluate the changing trends in altmetric attention scores over time. Methods: ‘’End-tidal CO2’’ or ‘’Capnography’’ as a search term was entered into Thomson Reuter’s Web of Science database to identify all articles in the field. The 50 most-cited articles were analysed by topic trends, sources, authors, publication years, and altmetric attention scores. Results: 2822 articles were screened from Web of Science. Among these, the 50 most cited articles were selected. In the analyzed articles the median (range) citation and altmetric score values were 52 (37-424) and 6 (1-212) respectively. The most cited article in the top 50 list was “Major complications of airway management in the UK: results of the Fourth National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Difficult Airway Society. Part 2: intensive care and emergency departments” published by Cook TM et al. in 2011. The highest number of articles were published in journals Journal of Applied Physiology (n=5) and Resuscitation (n=5). The altmetric scores were rather low and did not showed a linear association with the citation counts of top 50 articles on ETCO2 and capnography. Conclusion: Bibliometric based altmetric analysis provide important but different perspectives regarding article impact. Future studies with the use of ETCO2 with capnography in wider indications being more recognized in social media would contribute to the current knowledge. Keywords: Altmetric analysis, capnography, citation classics, end-tidal carbon dioxide
Corresponding Author: Canan Gunduz