Objectives: Meniscus rupture is not uncommon in tibial plateau fractures. Studies have reported meniscus tear in 10- 47% of all tibial plateau fractures. Therefore, defining and treating the accompanying lesions in the lateral meniscus and ligaments affects the clinical results of lateral tibial plateau fracture treatment. In this study, the repair results of lateral meniscus tears accompanying tibial plateau fractures were evaluated. Methods: In our clinic, 10 patients out of 26 patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation with the diagnosis of tibial plateau fracture between September 2015 and December 2018 had simultaneous lateral meniscus injuries. Fracture in the tibial plateau was fixed by open reduction technique using anatomical lateral tibia proximal locking plate-screw. After osteosynthesis, meniscus repair was performed with No: 2.0 non-absorbable vertical sutures. In the postoperative period, the patients were evaluated with Lysholm, Tegner, HSS and KSS scores. Results: The mean HSS knee score in the postoperative period was 80.75 (77-82). The mean CSR knee score was 90.25 (85-94) and the CSR function score was 97.5 (90-100). There was a slight decrease in activity (5.8-5) according to the Tegner scoring compared to the preoperative period. The mean Lysholm score was 89.75. Conclusion: Approximately one-third of patients with lateral tibial plateau depression fracture are expected to have a meniscus tear requiring repair. If the lateral meniscus rupture associated with tibial plateau fractures is overlooked, knee pain, insertion and early arthrosis may develop. Meniscus repair results after bone fixation are also good. Therefore, it should be kept in mind that ligament injuries and especially lateral meniscus tear may occur in tibial plateau fractures and surgery should be planned accordingly. Keywords: Lateral meniscus tear, tibial plateau fractures
Corresponding Author: Recep Kurnaz