Workers in the ceramic sector can develop silicosis due to silica exposure. A case of this occupational disease was diagnosed in a periodic examination at the polyclinic with bilateral millimetric nodules observed on a chest X-ray. The patient was a 34-year-old male with no active complaint. He had worked in the ceramics sector for 19 years. He was a current smoker with a history of 25 pack-years. The chest X-ray was assessed as pneumoconiosis q/q and 2/2 according to the International Labour Organization classification standards. Bilateral multiple nodules were observed on high-resolution computed tomography images. Pulmonary function and diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide tests were normal. The patient was diagnosed with silicosis. Silicosis due to silica dust exposure has been known of for many years. Although it can be prevented, silicosis continues to be a problem in developing countries, such as our country. It is very important to prevent smoking, to take effective dust precautions and other preventive measures, and to make an early diagnosis with regular radiological evaluations.
Corresponding Author: Yasemin Yurt